Tuesday, August 9, 2011

give me some good news!

I'm actively looking for a new job! it's not that I'm not thankful for having one..I just think I need to find a better job. many others are struggling to get a job..bukan senang cari kerja sekarang.

"rezeki ada dimana-mana"

our graduates, most of them, are too picky in finding a job. come on! whatever opportunity life gives you, just grab it! pernah dengar pepatah, susah-susah dahulu, senang-senang kemudian? I remembered my dad told me that his first salary was only RM1k. Now he's earning more than 10times his first salary. best best best! haha! aku mata duitan, diakui. I just loveeee $$$. the only thing that makes me happy, despite whatever mood I'm in, is M.O.N.E.Y. =) money isn't everything..I know. but for me, NOTHING you can buy without it. kalaulah duit tu boleh jatuh dari langit! =P

I just need to find a job that can give twice or thrice my salary now. I love my job but I hate the pay. I can't save, I can't help to pay bills (our monthly bills cost us about 700+ ; astro, electricity, landline+streamyx, water, mailbox. excluding two housing loans which cost us RM2k). I have RM2k outstanding education loan (PTPTN), I have a housing loan, and ASB loan. so altogether, my debt is about RM300k. habis gaji bayar hutang seja. haiyaaa..I'm financially unstable. Kalau parents aku tiada, I would be declared bankrupt ooo! omg omg. I'm this close of joining AKPK okay. haha! I'm serious. need to start budgeting & manage my money wisely. and I'm thinking of getting a part time job.

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