Sunday, August 29, 2010

will you?

Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?
~James J. Walker

nda suka

janganlah cakap ni benda sama aku;

~"kau belum kahwin. masih boleh memilih"
~"jangan taruh 100% perasaan sama boyfriend kau.jadi nda la kecewa kalau ada apa2 nanti"

please lah. nasihat2 begini lah bikin aku rasa nda best ok. aku bukan jenis senang kena influence, but still..aku nda suka kena cakap begitu. I'm happy with my life now. tau lah boleh memilih selagi belum kahwin. tapi aku nda mau. paham? kenapa pula mau pilih yang lain kalau aku rasa pilihan aku sekarang sudah terbaik huh? gosh. cubalah doakan ja aku happy instead of cakap benda2 negatif. hurm..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

terlajak perahu boleh diundur..

terlajak potong rambut, tiada guna sudah. uwaaarrghhh.I don't like my new haircut. =( menyesal pun nda guna. nasi sudah jadi bubur.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

follow your heart?

"Anything anyone does anywhere affects everything everywhere"

we can't stop things from happening..but we can avoid the consequences from worsening. so think before you act. better yet, think twice before you do anything. your actions may not cause you pain but how about your loved ones? ikut hati mati. ikut rasa binasa.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

sekadar renungan

sebenarnya Allah berikan kita banyak masa sewaktu hayat masih ada, tapi kita lebih banyak mengejar harta. bila sudah ditimpa masalah, kepada-Nya juga kita minta pertolongan. tapi bila kita senang, ingatkah kita pada perintah-Nya?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

babies for rent

Is there such a thing as 'babies for rent'?? I want to 'rent' different babies every day.haha! boleh ka??

I loveeeee babies and toddlers!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

=) This story is sooo meaningful!

Pada suatu hari di sekolah, seorang guru sedang mengajar mengenai kasih sayang. Seorang murid kemudiannya bertanya, "Bagaimana kita hendak memilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang yang paling kita sayang? Bagaimana pula kasih sayang itu hendak berkekalan?". Guru tersebut menjawab, "Kamu ikut apa yang saya suruh. Kamu pergi ke padang. Kamu berjalan di atas rumput sambil memandang rumput di depan kamu. Pilih yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi walau sekali. Setelah memetik rumput yang paling cantik, bawa ke kelas".

Pelajar itu pun segera ke padang dan melakukan apa yang disuruh oleh guru itu. Apabila pelajar itu pulang ke kelas, tiada sehelai rumput pun ditangannya. Guru itu bertanya, "Kenapa tiada rumput yang dipilih?". Murid itu menjawab, "Tadi masa saya berjalan, saya carilah rumput yang paling cantik. Memang ada banyak yang cantik tapi cikgu kata pilih yang paling cantik. Maka saya pun terus berjalan ke depan sambil mencari yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. Tapi sampai penghujung padang, saya tidak jumpa pun yang paling cantik. Mungkin ada di antara yang dibelakang saya tadi rumput yang paling cantik tapi cikgu pesan jangan menoleh ke belakang semula. Jadi tiadalah rumput yang saya petik,"

Guru itu tersenyum lantas berkata, "Itulah jawapannya. Maknanya apabila kita telah berjumpa dengan orang yang kita sayang, janganlah kita mencari yang lebih baik dari itu. Kita patut hargai orang yang berada di depan kita sebaik-baiknya. Jangan kita menoleh ke belakang lagi kerana yang telah berlaku tetap sudah berlaku. Semoga yang berlalu tidak berulang lagi. Ingatlah, orang yang paling kita sayang itulah yang paling cantik dan paling baik. Walaupun lebih ramai lagi yang cantik dan baik seperti rumput tadi".

p.s. No matter how better boys/girls out there compare to your partner, your partner is always the best. that's why you chose them in the first place.kan?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to handle a bad day

There was once a farmer who had a horse he loved very much. One day as he was walking with his horse, the horse fell into a well. The farmer tried everything he could to pull his dear horse out of the well but nothing worked.

The farmer loved his horse so much and with tears decided the best thing to do was to bury the horse on that spot. He picked up his shovel and with the tears rolling freely down his cheek, started heaving sand into the well. His intention was straight forward enough - to bury his beloved horse.

The horse seeing the situation resigned to fate and decided it was over but something strange happened. As the first heap of sand landed on the horse's back, it had an idea - Shake off the sand, stamp on it and you'll get out alive!

That was exactly what the horse did. As each heap of sand landed on the back of the horse, all it did was simply to shake it off, stamp on it and that horse made it out of that well alive.

Your day cannot and in-fact will not go perfect all of the time. There are times when it just goes rough. Even, when everything decides to go perfect for you, there are people who deliberately try to hurt you, just try to get at you, try to infuse some stress into you happy day.

When such thing happens - remember that every obnoxious act is a cry for help. Understand that person in unconsciously trying to rub his inner frustration on someone else. That understanding helps you handle the scenario better.

David Brinkley could not have said it better when he said: "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."

It also helps to remember when the day starts going bad that somewhere sometimes in the past, you've been in far worse situation and you handled it. Think back to the past and you'll discover there have been worse days than today which you don't even have vivid recollection of. If that is the case.. then it means today is not so bad. Cheer up!

Another tip to help you handle a day going bad is to practice talking back to yourself aloud; powerful motivation quotes. For example, "shake off the sand and you'll come out alive" or "I expect the best and with God's help will attain the best" - Norman Vincent Peale or "Only Winners go to dinner" or "Misery is an option"

Say such things to yourself over and over until you've calmed down and you actually start to feel better despite the situation that cause the bad day being present. You will notice that as you cool off.. the so bad day will get no so bad and the stress level falls drastically.

Never forget: we cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails. "Your attitude determines your action and your action determines your accomplishment." - John C. Maxwell


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

dim sum!!

I'm craving for dim sum!! Hyatt's dim sum to be exact. Siu Mai (chicken+prawn) & Har Gao (also known as crystal prawn dumpling). these two are my fav! eee mauuu..huhu terliur tinguk ok! damn. tapun..tapun..haha FYI, I'm a dim sum & sushi addict. =)



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

night and day

I've been working night and day since Saturday. it's fun to have such flexible working hours but it's undeniably tiring. the new project is going to start soon..and I hope it won't turn my life upside down!

anyway, happy fasting! =)

Monday, August 9, 2010

just so you know..

I love you for who you are..
from the first time I met you.
so your past is none of my concern.
whoever you were, whatever you did, I don't care.
I love you for who you are, today.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Diriwayatkan daripada Kaab bin Iyadh r.a katanya: Aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

"Sesungguhnya setiap umat itu ada ujiannya dan ujian umatku adalah harta kekayaan. " (Hadis riwayat Imam Tirmizi).

Kesimpulan Hadis:

Allah s.w.t menjadikan harta sebagai perhiasan kehidupan dunia dan menjadikan fitrah kejadian manusia lebih cenderung kepada harta dan suka mengumpul harta, oleh yang demikian umat Islam hendaklah berhati-hati di dalam mengumpulkan harta di mana dia hendaklah mengumpulkan harta yang halal dan menjauhkan diri dari mengumpulkan harta yang haram.

Harta boleh dicari. tapi kalau kerana harta keluarga berpecah belah, bagus jangan ada harta. kerana harta adik beradik bergaduh. tidakkah bodoh tu? kerana terlampau gila duit, beginilah jadinya. Allah bagi otak untuk berfikir dengan bijak, bukan untuk buat benda bodoh. begitulah jadinya kalau tiada pegangan agama yang kuat. aku ni bukanlah orang2 yang kuat agama, but at least aku pandai fikir yang harta tu bukan penting sangat. bukan boleh bawa mati. harta tu boleh tolong kita di akhirat nanti?? mana lah Allah tengok harta kekayaan yang kena kumpul. Dia tengok amalan di dunia.

Diriwayatkan daripada Anas bin Malik r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Tiga perkara yang akan mengikuti mayat dan dua daripadanya akan pulang. Hanya satu sahaja yang akan bersamanya dalam kubur. Perkara tersebut ialah: Kaum kerabat, harta benda dan amalannya. Semua kaum kerabat dan harta bendanya akan pulang, manakala yang kekal bersamanya ialah amalannya.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what say you?

I'm thinking of having a new hairstyle! I haven't done anything to my hair in ages...I used to change my hairstyle every month/couple of months!! and I think it's about time to do something with it. bald perhaps? lol. okay take your pick. which one is better?


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trial and Error

Trial and error, or trial by error or try an error, is a general method of problem solving, fixing things, or for obtaining knowledge. "Learning doesn't happen from failure itself but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again". (Wikipedia)

Relationships are like trial and error method. you tend to dump your significant other when they turn out to be nothing like what you wanted/expected. remember, nobody is perfect. like I said, by using trial and error method, we might end up finding the right partner. learn your lessons. what happened in the past, shouldn't be repeated in the future.

I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. The same goes for true love.

I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them, and less to do with how many years you have lived.

I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I've learned that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.

I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.


I've learned that the people you care about most in life are sometimes taken from you too soon.