"You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can't sit back and wait."
-Ellen Metcalf-

Talking about opportunity, I rejected a potential job opportunity last week, and I'm about to reject another one tomorrow! lol. kenapakah? it's because of the working hours. I'm not willing to sacrifice my precious weekends for works. tidak mau lagi. tidak akan lagi. I've wasted 1 year of my weekends (about 104 days) already...enough is enough. tiada life lansung! I'm still young bah..bayangkanlah dulu..I had to work on weekends, while everyone else was having fun with their family & friends. sangat tidak best!
My dad selalu cakap, "kalau ada peluang depan mata, grab it! peluang tu datang sekali ja. kalau terlepas, rugi. mungkin tiada lagi peluang macam tu akan datang,". betul. memang. but what if opportunity yang datang tu bukan apa yang aku mau? aku masih boleh memilih kan. I can always choose what's best for me..I want a career. not a job. I want to do something that I love.but can't seem to find what exactly I love to do. hehe palui.
My dad selalu cakap, "kalau ada peluang depan mata, grab it! peluang tu datang sekali ja. kalau terlepas, rugi. mungkin tiada lagi peluang macam tu akan datang,". betul. memang. but what if opportunity yang datang tu bukan apa yang aku mau? aku masih boleh memilih kan. I can always choose what's best for me..I want a career. not a job. I want to do something that I love.but can't seem to find what exactly I love to do. hehe palui.